Tools for online seller

Marketplacy offers you numerous ways to showcase and sell your products.
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All Futures:
  • AI for product description
  • Online store
  • Template blocks
  • Rich content for product pages
  • Order management
  • easy WYSIWYG Editor
  • Save blocks to template
  • Product pictures easy upload
  • No payment fees
  • Free 14 days demo
  • No code knowledge require
  • Open API
  • Best solution for Omnichannel
  • Ready Online store Designs
  • Order content

Create product descriptions with AI

Create the offer template, product description for your online shop and your product page at the same time. Speed up your workflow with AI. Use multiple blocks in your description to showcase all the features of your product. Save these blocks as templates to automate the process of creating new products.

Organise images for online shop

Organising or automatically replacing images in a central location simplifies the management and updating of visual content in the online shop. Structured management makes it easy to find and update images, facilitating maintenance and ensuring a consistent look and feel.


Offer your customers more details about the product. Marketplacy helps you create product descriptions faster by using block templates. Start by creating your first product with product details and save some of the created blocks as templates. Use the saved template for further products.


The API enables the successful export of product descriptions to external CMS or PIM systems. By integrating the API, product information can be exchanged seamlessly and efficiently between different platforms. This facilitates the management of product information and ensures that all external systems are always up to date.

Order content for your product

Order content for your products with ease. In addition to images and videos, you can also order A+ content and offer templates to optimise your product presentation. With our service, you receive high-quality content that presents your products in the best possible way and strengthens your brand image.

Customise design

The design of the product description can be customised visually in the settings. Use user-friendly tools to customise colours, fonts and layouts according to your ideas.

Start selling with Marketplacy today

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