listing optimization

The Dutch marketplace was originally a Bertelsmann project. While in the Netherlands, as in the rest of Europe, the influence of large US online providers such as Amazon and eBay is growing, local marketplaces also play an important role. One example of this is This marketplace is particularly popular in the Netherlands (72 % of all visitors, i.e. around 60 million per month). It is also increasingly popular in Belgium (over 20 million visitors per month). The other countries account for about 2 % of the total number of visitors.
Thousands of sellers have already joined the platform, offering around 16 million products from a wide range of categories, including books, music, electronics, toys, fashion, DIY and car parts.
The marketplace pays particular attention to the quality of the products it sells. is a marketplace that works like a catalogue. Therefore, sellers only have to provide the barcode and price of an item if these items are already in the catalogue. There are no monthly fees or registration costs, but sellers must pay a commission for each item they sell through Commissions range from 5% to 17% depending on the category.
If you want to sell on, you must be a legal entity registered in the Netherlands or Belgium. However, there are intermediaries. They can then help you as a seller to register without this requirement. has its own network of distribution centres that sellers can use in the same way as Amazon FBA. is a reliable and high quality brand that you can benefit from.