Product widget

Direct customers straight to the product page for a seamless and efficient shopping experience.

About product widget

A landing page is a one-page website that prompts the user to take an action, e.g. to buy a product or book a certain service. Special buttons are used for this purpose: “Start”, “Subscribe”, “Buy”, etc.

A landing page reliably captures the user’s attention and holds it until the purchase or registration. Such pages have their own menu, design, domain or sub-domain of the main resource.

Customers can get to a landing page through newsletters, online advertising, social networks or search results on Google.

Landing pages are a tool to attract potential customers and reach the right target group. You can use a landing page to get an idea of the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

A landing page looks almost exactly like any other website. But it works a little differently.

You create a landing page to promote the sale of a product or service. The main purpose of such a page is to attract potential customers and get them to take a certain action right away: sign up for a newsletter, leave your phone number or other contact details, or buy a product. Landing pages serve to convert visitors into buyers or prospects here and now. Immediately. That’s why the content of a landing page is different from that of a full-fledged online shop.

An ordinary website is multifunctional. It can contain an “about us” page, a gallery, an online shop and much more.

At the same time, a landing page contains only the most important information that leads the user to your destination. The structure of a landing page looks different. There are no additional links that could lead the visitor away from the call to action.

So a user who lands on a landing page can either close the page or engage. Because of the narrow focus of such a page, it is extremely effective in increasing conversion rates and reducing the cost of acquiring leads and sales.

  • Increased conversions Landing pages focus on a specific goal and prompt users to take action. Visitors to a landing page move further down the sales funnel, moving from anonymous users to leads and then to active customers.
  • Valuable insights about your audience To find out the demographics of your audience, add a sign-up form to your page. Pay attention to where most users come to your landing page from. This will help you learn more about your customers’ habits and interests, allowing you to optimise your targeting and marketing strategy.
  • Increase brand awareness A beautiful, professional-looking landing page is the face of your business. Not only does this increase conversion rates. It also helps introduce your brand to more people. The more often users see a landing page with your logo, the greater the awareness of your business.
  • Landing can be measured Analyse conversion rates, page views and traffic. This way you will know which marketing campaign works best, e.g. paid postal advertising or email marketing. Optimise your strategy accordingly.

The main function of a landing page is not information, but marketing. It provides information about a product and the offer in a clear form. A landing page does not overload the visitor with unnecessary details and has a certain structure. The basic elements of a landing page include:

1. Visual elements

A professionally designed template, high-quality images, animations or videos can help to attract users’ attention. Visual elements should evoke emotions in your page’s visitors.

Place the most important visual content at the top of the page. This is the first thing a customer sees when they come to the website. To grab the user’s attention and increase the likelihood of a purchase, place the most important content on the “cover”.

2. Apt headlines

The headline decides whether people continue reading. The information must “grab” the user and be relevant to their interests.

The secret of a good headline is the promise to solve a problem or improve the lives of those who read it.

3. Call to action

“Call to Action” is a short sentence. It is used to prompt users to perform the desired action. “Call to Action” is one of the key elements of a landing page.

According to statistics, 90% of users who read the headline also pay attention to the call-to-action button. “Subscribe”, “Start trial”, “Sign up” are variations of these buttons.

4. List of advantages

Every word counts. You have a page to convince users to click on the call to action button. It’s important to explain why they need it. Don’t waste the limited space with a detailed description of the offer. It is even better if you clearly state what the user will get if they buy your product or sign up for your service.

5. Customer feedback

Even the most scintillating description of a product’s benefits cannot replace the effectiveness of positive customer feedback.

Customer feedback on a landing page increases the number of visitors who click the call-to-action button. Trust in the brand is strengthened. If possible, add photo and video reviews from customers.

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